Pure Water Solutions: Iron & Odor Removal

When iron or unpleasant odors invade your water supply, it can be both frustrating and concerning. Whether you’re dealing with metallic tastes, orange staining, or that unmistakable rotten egg smell, Water Products & Solutions offers effective iron and odor removal solutions to restore the quality of water in your Sheridan home or business. Trust our expert solutions to keep your water pristine and odor-free, giving you peace of mind with every sip.

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Sheridan’s Trusted Choice for Iron & Odor Removal Solutions

There are some water quality issues that can be overlooked, but signs of iron or the presence of unpleasant odors are hard to ignore. Fortunately, for residents and business owners throughout the Sheridan area, that’s where we come in. Our team members are experts at identifying common contaminants – like iron and other odor-causing impurities – and suggesting the best and most effective course of action to remove them. We’re proud to use equipment that effectively removes traces of iron and other odors naturally, without chemicals.

To learn more about our iron filters, reach out to someone from the Water Products & Solutions team. Get in touch by calling 307-672-7606 or you can fill out this appointment request form and someone will get back to you shortly.

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Why Does My Water Smell Like Iron?

If your water smells or tastes metallic, the root cause is likely due to a high concentration of metal-based minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, or others present in your drinking water supply. When these minerals oxidize, they can give off a metallic or even rusty odor, which is most noticeable when running water for drinking, cooking, or bathing. This can happen when iron seeps into your water from natural sources, such as rocks or soil, or come as a result of aging, rusting pipes in your plumbing system. Over time, excess iron not only affects the smell and taste of your water but can also lead to staining and discoloration in sinks, tubs, and laundry.

As far as determining which specific metallic mineral is affecting your water’s taste and smell, the only way to know is to get your water professionally tested. Here at Water Products & Solutions, we offer free on-site basic water tests that measure total dissolved solids, iron levels, and the current pH. And if you’re curious about the presence of other minerals, we test for that, too – we’ll just have to wait on results from our lab. Schedule your water test with our pros; call 307-672-7606 or contact us online.

What Is Causing Odors in My Water?

Unpleasant water odors can stem from a variety of sources, each indicating specific contaminants or environmental factors affecting your water supply. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the most common causes of bad-smelling water:

  • Rotten Egg Smell: This is caused by the presence of hydrogren sulfide gas (the chemical compound made up of sulfur and hydrogen atoms). While not typically harmful at low concentrations, hydrogen sulfide can affect the taste of water and cause corrosion in pipes and fixtures over time.
  • Metallic or Earthy Smell: High levels of iron and manganese are common in groundwater sources, particularly in areas like Sheridan where minerals can easily leach into the water supply from rocks or soil. Occassionally mistaken for iron because it can cause similar effects, manganese in your water might also smell somewhat metallic, but with an earthier undertone.
  • Musty or Moldy Smell: Surface water sources, such as rivers or lakes, can be susceptible to contamination from decaying organic matter like leaves, algae, or plant debris. This organic material can break down and release compounds that cause musty or moldy smells in the water. If your home or business relies on surface water, or if there is significant runoff after heavy rains, organic material could be a source of the odor.
  • Swampy or Sewer-Like Smell: If the smell is strongest when water is first turned on or comes from specific fixtures, the issue might not be in the water source itself but in the plumbing system. Bacterial growth in pipes, water heaters, or even within the well casing can lead to swampy or sewage-like odors. This often occurs in homes or businesses with stagnant water in the system, irregular water usage, or untreated well systems.
  • Chlorine or Chemical Smell: While less common in residential settings, chemical contaminants can occasionally find their way into your water supply. For example, chlorine is frequently used in municipal water treatment systems to disinfect the water, and while it’s effective, some people notice a distinct chemical smell. Other chemical contaminants from industrial or agricultural runoff may also be responsible for unusual odors. These smells tend to be sharper and more pungent than those caused by bacteria or natural minerals and should be addressed immediately, as they may pose health risks.

In most cases, these odors are not just an inconvenience; they are a sign of underlying water quality issues that need to be addressed. Fortunately, here at Water Products & Solutions, we have treatment solutions to assist with water issues like these. Contact us to get the process started so you can enjoy healthy, contaminant-free water today.

What Are the Different Methods for Removing Iron & Other Odors from Water?

There are several methods for effectively removing iron and other odors from a water supply – deciding which one to invest in depends on both the source of the odor and the concentration. Most iron and odor removal solutions can be divided into the following categories:

  • Organic Filters (such as activated carbon and manganese greensand): These filters use natural or specially treated media to remove iron and odors. Activated carbon is excellent for eliminating organic compounds and odors, while manganese greensand is specifically designed to remove iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide.
  • Chemical-Based Filters/Treatment: Chemical injection systems (e.g., chlorine or potassium permanganate) oxidize iron and odor-causing compounds, making them easier to filter out. This approach is especially useful for higher concentrations of contaminants and can be combined with filtration systems to ensure thorough treatment.
  • Oxygen/Aeration Systems: Aeration introduces air into the water to oxidize iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide, which are then filtered out. These systems offer a chemical-free method to treat water by promoting natural oxidation, which is safer on your septic system and healthier for the environment.

Here at Water Products & Solutions, we prefer the aeration approach as it brings the most comprehensive results for an entire household or business’s water needs. Get in touch for more details and information.

What Are the Signs of Iron in My Water?

Other than a distinct metallic taste and smell, there are a few other telltale signs that your water contains iron:

  • Rusty, reddish-brown staining: If you’re noticing stains in or around your sinks, tubs, toilets, and other fixtures and appliances that utilize water, you’re likely dealing with an iron issue.
  • Cloudy, discolored water: Depending on the level of iron in your water supply, your water may appear cloudy or even faintly rust-colored. This is because iron turns a reddish-brown color when it oxidizes, which in turn can make the water appear dirty.
  • Clogged Pipes and Other Fixtures: Over time, iron can build up inside pipes and fixtures, leading to reduced water flow, clogging, and the need for more frequent maintenance or replacements.

Worried about your water supply? Trust the pros here at Water Products & Solutions to help identify any impurities or contaminants in your water and guide you toward the best treatment solution. Not only are we highly knowledgeable and well-versed in the water quality world, we’re also local experts on the Sheridan area and all the factors that interact with the region’s water table. Simply put? When you work with us for your water concerns, you can trust that you’re in good hands.

Is Iron & Odor in Water Harmful to My Health?

In most cases, iron and odor in your water are not directly harmful to your health, but they can still cause a range of issues that affect water quality and daily life. Iron itself is an essential nutrient that the body needs, but when it’s present in excessive amounts in your water, it can lead to unpleasant side effects such as a metallic taste and staining on clothing, fixtures, and appliances. High levels of iron can also promote the growth of iron bacteria, which produce slimy deposits and further foul odors.

As for the odors, whether or not they indicate unsafe drinking water ultimately depends on the source of the smell. If the odor is caused by hydrogen sulfide or decaying organic materials (two of the most common causes for bad-smelling water), as long as the concentrations are low, it shouldn’t pose a significant health risk. However, over time and/or in higher concentrations you may experience issues with corrosion in your plumbing, so it’s still a good idea to consult a team of professionals about your best options for effective water treatment that address your specific concerns.

Get Better, Safer, Tastier Water With Our Treatment Solutions

Don’t let iron and unpleasant odors affect the quality of your water or your day-to-day life. At Water Products & Solutions, we specialize in delivering reliable, customized water treatment systems that tackle even the toughest iron and odor problems.

No matter your water woes, our team is dedicated to ensuring your water is not only clean and fresh but also safe for your family or business. For iron and odor removal services near Sheridan, trust none other than Water Products & Solutions. Contact us today by calling 307-672-7606 or reach out online to schedule your water test and consultation.

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For those with well water, your water treatment solution might include a UV disinfection system that eliminates harmful bacteria.