Iron is a good thing, right?

Water Solution Experts » Iron is a good thing, right?

We find iron in our daily vitamins and our bodies need it to move oxygen from the lungs to the brain. A lack of iron in the body can cause all kinds of health problems…

Yet here we are, doing everything we can to remove the iron from our water. Why on earth would we be actively removing such a beneficial mineral?

Well, we have a few good reasons.

#1 Staining

Even when the water runs clear, there may be iron dissolved in the water that turns to rust when exposed to air. You might notice red or brown stains under the faucets or around the drains of tubs and sinks or even in toilets. Iron staining can occur as low as 0.3mg/L. The stains look nasty, and they are tough to get rid of. It can also ruin your laundry and dishes, and just make domestic life in general more difficult.

#2 Blockages

For the same reason that iron causes staining, it can oxidize and stick to pipes, appliances, sprinkler systems and any other system carrying iron laden water. When enough of the iron builds up, it can restrict water flow and cause all kinds of damage to pumps and other water using appliances.

#3 Taste

Ever had a bloody lip or bite your tongue? That metallic taste comes from the iron in your blood. That taste will become a part of every drink you make with the water and will absorb into any food cooked in the water. Personally, we like our lemonade to taste like lemons…

So, what do we do about the iron in the water?

Install a Water Softener

For small amounts of iron (up to 2 mg/L), a water softener could be the simplest solution. Not only can it remove a little iron, but you will get the added benefits of soft water; ie less scaling, longer lasting appliances, brighter laundry and less scrubbing. To protect your softener from iron build up and extend its life, we recommend installing a low maintenance water softener cleaning system.


For a little more iron (up to 6 mg/L), we recommend the Hellenbrand Storm system that uses ozone to convert dissolved iron into particles that can be flushed out. This system can also help with that annoying rotten egg smell from hydrogen sulfide.


For lots of iron (up to 10 mg/L), the recommended treatment system is the Iron Curtain from Hellenbrand. This system uses oxygen to convert iron, manganese and sulfur into particles that are flushed out.

What’s the best option?

Well, that just depends. It depends on how much iron you have and what else might in your water. It depends on how much water you use. It also depends on how much space you have.

When it comes to water treatment, we like to find the most efficient way to get you the water you need. The systems we install regenerate based on water usage so that water and energy are not wasted. We want to make sure the equipment is sized correctly so that it will function for years and years with the least amount of maintenance.

If you have any questions about iron in your water, contact us or bring in a water sample to find the answers!

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