Sediment Filters

Sediment Filters

You walk into a house – maybe you’re living in it, maybe you’re thinking about living in it – and you stop by one of the bathrooms. You notice something in the bottom of the toilet and at first, you’re completely grossed out, ready to run… then you realize...
What is Reverse Osmosis?

What is Reverse Osmosis?

If you’ve ever read or heard an advertisement about water softeners, you might have heard the term ‘Reverse Osmosis’ at some point during the advertisement. But what exactly is reverse osmosis, and how does it affect the quality and softness of your...
Water Quality Is A Big Deal

Water Quality Is A Big Deal

The importance of water quality cannot be stressed enough. Poor water quality can cause sickness and even disease and since it’s something we absolutely cannot do without, it should be of the utmost importance.Some things are easy to spot in order to know that...
Pure Water for a Healthy Life

Pure Water for a Healthy Life

Water is something we cannot do without. It is as necessary as the air we breathe and sunlight we depend on. It is important to have clean and purified water, for use in our homes and our businesses. At Water Products And Solutions, we offer service covering both...