New Year, New You. Start 2019 with Healthier Water.

Water Solution Experts » New Year, New You. Start 2019 with Healthier Water.

Are you committing to being healthier this year? While you are changing your exercise and eating habits, consider changing the quality of your water too! Yes, that’s right, your water can have a negative impact on your body. Whether you have city water or well water, water quality experts recommend additional water treatment solutions in your home in order to remove additional elements that can remain in your tap water even after it is “cleaned.”

Approximately 85% of the U.S. population receives its water from community water systems. Municipal water treatment facilities are required to meet the standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), however, these standards may not filter out enough to prevent health side effects including:

  • responsiveness to medications
  • organs
  • skin
  • hair

Some studies link high levels of Lead in drinking water to delays in physical and mental development, short attention spans, and learning difficulties in children. (SOURCE:

Not to mention the network of pipes and pumps that are aging and degrading into the “cleaned” water before it reaches your faucet. Even the water you cook with can still negatively affect the foods you eat even though it is cooked. You might not be getting all the vitamins and minerals you expect from boiling vegetables or cooking meats because of the water.

Hard water can also have a negative impact on your body’s skin as well as its organs. High levels of calcium and magnesium can affect several organs in the body and cause health problems including an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and neural diseases as well as certain types of cancer for those who drink hard water. In children there is a correlation between hard water and growth retardation. These minerals are not removed from the water filtration process at the municipal facilities, only a water softener and home filtration can eliminate these and other elements in your water.

We don’t mean to scare you but the science supports the health impacts of poor quality water – read more at

Your goal is to get healthy. Our goal is to educate you, our neighbors, about water quality and provide a solution that is customized to your home and your health.

To schedule a consultation or to have your water tested, contact Water Products and Solutions.

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