Add Water to Your New Year’s Resolution

Water Solution Experts » Add Water to Your New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap. Why? Because they are normally promises that are either too hard to keep or the expectations that are unrealistic. Let us suggest a resolution you CAN KEEP! Get cleaner, healthier water while saving money. Those are TWO realistic goals that can be achieved – get healthier and save money!

How can you save money? People are willing to spend thousands of dollars on any number or combination of the following in the first two weeks to two months of the new year:

  • Exercise equipment
  • Gym membership
  • Apps & Online subscriptions to healthy promises
  • Organic foods
  • Salons
  • Medical expenses (nutritionists, chiropractors)
  • Plastic surgery
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • And many more

Having a water treatment system installed into your home is less expensive than you think and doesn’t compare to any of the above expenses. No, quality water isn’t a complete solution to your new year’s resolution to be healthier, but it is a great place to start. After all, isn’t drinking more water – 8 glasses a day – the first thing any doctor, nutritionist or trainer will tell you to do when beginning any health program?

Plus, installing a Reverse Osmosis Filtration System into your home will save you money on replacing those filters in your refrigerator. Not to mention, you will be saving the environment! RO equipment is conveniently installed under your kitchen sink with its own spicket for filling that new refillable water bottle you bought to encourage you to drink more water. By the way, your pets will thank you too. Dogs and cats love RO water!

Your food and body will be healthier with treated water too. Did you know that the untreated water you cook with can negatively affect your food? Hard water can remove many of the vitamins and minerals you expect to be receiving from your vegetables or meats. Hard water can also have a negative impact on your body’s skin as well as your laundry. Imagine, spending less on lotions, conditioners as well as money spent on replacing worn out and faded clothes.

Let us help you fulfill your New Year’s Resolution this year to being healthier and saving money with a water treatment system in your home.

To schedule a consultation or to have your water tested, contact Water Products & Solutions.

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